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Dye Doped PDLC Film Formula

Are you trying to find a film formula for dye doped PDLC (Polymeric Dispersed Liquid Crystal)applications that will work best? Don’t look elsewhere. They dye doped PDLC Film formula is a brand-new innovative product. What does dye dopped PDLC means? Dye doped smart windows frequently use a material cally Polymer Disper Dispersed Liquid Crystal(PDC). A…

Structure of Liquid Crystal You Should Know

Liquid cyrstals are one of the three phases of matter, alongside solid and gas. You’re probably not familiar with them since they make up relatively few everyday items compared to solids or liquids, but liquid crystals can be timelessly beautiful and ubiquitous in their own right. An Overview of Liquid Cyrstal Structure Liquid crystals are…

PDLC Formulation

PDLC standards for Polymer Dispersed Liquid Cyrstal, a special type of liquid crystal material, which is a composite material made by mixing liquid crstal molecules and polymer particles. PDLC is charaterised by its ability to change molecules are randomly arranged so that light cannot pass through and is displayed in a blurred state. When an…

What does Heated Glass do ?

Heated glass, also known as thermal glass or electrically heated glass, works by using a thin layer of conductive material embedded into the glass, or applied as a film to the surface of the glass. When an electrical current is passed through this conductive material, it generates heat. The conductive material is usually arranged in…

How to Choose Smart Window Film

When choosing window films, there are several factors you should consider: 1.Purpose: What is the main reason you want to install smart window film? Is it for privacy, heat control, UV protection, security, or just for decorative purposes? Different films serve different purposes. 2.Transparency: Do you want a clear view through the window or would…

How PSLCs are used in smart windows?

Smart windows are an innovative application of polymer-stabilized liquid crystals (PSLCs) that allow the windows to change their optical properties in response to an external stimulus. Here’s how PSLCs are used in smart windows: Principle of OperationIn smart windows utilizing PSLCs, the liquid crystal molecules are dispersed within a polymer matrix and sandwiched between two…

spd film

Electrochromic SPD Film

What is SPD Film ? SPD film, or Suspended Particle Device film, is a type of smart glass technology material. It consists of microscopic particles that are suspended in a liquid or polymer film. When power on, these particles align themselves in a particular direction, causing the glass to change from clear to opaque. This…