Privacy glass in its natural state blocks light from passing through appearing translucent but when a voltage is applied it’s state becomes transparent allowing light to flood through the glass.Switchable Privacy glass is the perfect solution for people who want their needs met at a single click of a button. This type of glass has been desgined to turn from transparent to translucent when you tpuch the required button. As a result, you can enjoy instant privacy. Another handy benefit of this type of glas is that it has an inner layer that makes it stronger, making people who are worried about buglars breaking their privacy glass windows.

The privacy range of glazing options allows for high level light transmittance, while obscuring the view from outside. Different levels of obscurity are available and the range can be toughened or laminated to provide a Grade A safety. Ideal for bathrooms, bedrooms, front entry doors or any area you want to block from prying eyes.
With our smart film adhesive type product, common float glass can add privacy and switchable functions Which common glass can be from opaque to transparent by a simple flick of a switch with less than 1 second.

Privacy glass is designed to allow light into the home while preventing anyone from looking in. It is Perfect for bathrooms, bedrooms that face high traffic areas, or any window where privacy is desired. If you wanna Enhance the privacy of your home is extremely important, considering how busy roads have become, your family wants to feel safe and secure when inside the home and the best way to ensuire that is by using privacy glass windows.